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Analyzing World News—Explaining Bible Prophecy
Emailed each Friday.
Photo of Sample Email from The World to Come

The World to Come program restores plain understanding of the problems, symptoms and causes behind the bad effects reflected in today’s headlines—and points to the GOOD NEWS of the only possible solution, now just over the horizon: the soon-coming kingdom of God! More

The Greatest Questions. Plain Answers.
Emailed each Friday.
Photo of Sample Email from The Restored Church of God

The Restored Church of God is committed to freely offering—through the most extensive biblically based website in the world—thorough and comprehensive PLAIN UNDERSTANDING on virtually every teaching of the Bible, small and great. More

A Magazine Restoring Plain Understanding
Emailed each Friday.
Photo of Sample Email from The Real Truth

While newspapers, magazines and other news media report what happened, The Real Truth analyzes and explains the root cause of why events happen—why humanity is at a loss to solve today’s problems, ills and conditions—and how these will be ultimately solved. More

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