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Mr. Kim said the two countries had a “fiery friendship,” and that the deal was their “strongest ever treaty,” putting the relationship at the level of an alliance.
  • World News Desk

The world is way off track on most of the sustainable development targets agreed in 2015, such as tackling poverty and hunger, says a United Nations report which cites funding shortfalls, geopolitical tensions and the COVID-19 pandemic.

The UN’s annual Sustainable Development Report ranks the performance of its 193 member states in implementing 17 wide-ranging “sustainable development goals” (SDGs), which also include improving access to education and health care, providing clean energy and protecting biodiversity.

It found that none of the 17 goals were on course to be met by 2030, with most targets showing “limited or a reversal of progress.” It urged countries to address chronic funding shortfalls and also revamp the UN system itself.

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The dawn attack on October 7 by Hamas militants took Israel by surprise. Yet continued violence between the Jewish nation and Palestinian extremists should be anything but surprising.

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  • World News Desk
Advocates called the move a “monumental step forward,” as Thailand would be the first nation in Southeast Asia to enact such marriage legislation and the third in Asia, after Nepal and Taiwan.
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The Houthis who control the north and center of the country and the government running the south use different currency notes with different exchange rates.

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Many believe conversion is simply accepting Jesus Christ as Savior. The Bible reveals it involves much more than this.
  • World News Desk
China has 27 nuclear reactors under construction with average construction timelines of about seven years, far faster than other countries.
  • World News Desk
“There’s a lot we don’t understand,” said Dr. Tom Frieden. "I think we have to get over the ‘hope for the best and bury our head in the sand’ approach. Because it could be really bad.”
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Will America survive the 2024 presidential election? If you ask the candidates, the answer is maybe not. At least not in the form that we all know it.
  • World News Desk
“We are being starved, the world has forgotten about us,” said Um Mohammed, a mother of six in Gaza City.
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Throughout the world, over 700 million people ages 15 and above are unable to complete a job application, comprehend a bus schedule, or read a magazine article.
  • World News Desk
The move appears to broaden the disclosed geography of the nuclear drills to include soldiers from military districts which cover almost all of Russia’s European border.
  • World News Desk
Some form of drought is afflicting nearly 90 percent of Mexico, the highest rate since 2011, according to government data.
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According to Verywell Health, over one-fifth of people living in urban areas and one-third of people in rural areas are in food deserts.
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Iraq’s marshlands are receding at an alarming rate. As the waters are disappearing, so is a centuries-old way of life.
  • World News Desk
“Imagine a city the size of London being displaced. That’s what it’s like, but it’s happening with the constant threat of crossfire, with famine, disease and brutal ethnic and gender-based violence,” the IOM Director-General said.
  • World News Desk
The commemorations for the more than 4,400 Allied dead on D-Day and many tens of thousands more killed in the ensuing Battle of Normandy were tinged with fear that World War II lessons are fading.

From the Editor

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The Bible contains awe-inspiring prophecies that involve the greatest nations in the history of the world. What are they?
  • World News Desk
Immigrant advocates criticized U.S. President Joe Biden’s move, saying it mirrored hardline actions of his Republican predecessor former President Donald Trump.

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